Architektur & Stadt

Martin Ebert (ed.): Between Purpose and Poetry.

The Works of Per Knudsen and the Architecture of Human Scale

The book introduces the Norwegian architect Per Knudsen into the canon of architectural history. Guided by his search for modesty and human dimension, his works have set the tone in contemporary architecture since the 1980s. The book features Knudsen's projects, known for their innovative solutions and environmental thinking, and a great number of his remarkable hand-drawn sketches.

The volume contains contributions by the architectural historian Nina Berre, the architect Jan Støring and the editor Martin Ebert.

Ebert, Martin (ed.): Between Purpose and Poetry

The Works of Per Knudsen and the Architecture of Human Scale

184 pages, paperback. 2023

ISBN 978 3 933713 69 8

EUR 31.80 / NOK 420.00


Reclaiming a history, vol. 4: Modernised Socialist Realism 1955–1991

After the death of Stalin in 1952 Soviet architecture turned their back on the conservative paradigms of Socialist Realism. Jewish architects became a part of the movement to industrialise construction technology in the Soviet Union. This Modernisation created a new architecture more in touch with international trends.

Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a history, vol. 4

Modernised Socialist Realism 1955–1991

162 pages, paperback. 2022

ISBN 978 3 933713 65 0

EUR 24.80


Reclaiming a history, vol. 3: Socialist Realism 1933–1955

In four dense volumes, Gary Berkovich lifts the veil on an overlooked aspect of the architectural scene in Russia: the intense engagement of the Jews in the professional life from the late czarist period to the end of the USSR. An important contribution to the sociology of architecture in the 20th century.

Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a history, vol. 3

Socialist Realism 1933–1955

156 pages, paperback. 2021

ISBN 978 3 933713 64 3

EUR 24.80


Reclaiming a history, vol. 2: The Avant Garde 1917–1933

In four dense volumes, Gary Berkovich lifts the veil on an overlooked aspect of the architectural scene in Russia: the intense engagement of the Jews in the professional life from the late czarist period to the end of the USSR. An important contribution to the sociology of architecture in the 20th century.

Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a history, vol. 2

The Avant Garde 1917–1933

244 pages, paperback. 2021

ISBN 978 3 933713 63 6

EUR 24.80


Reclaiming a history, vol. 1: Late imperial Russia 1891–1917

In four dense volumes, Gary Berkovich lifts the veil on an overlooked aspect of the architectural scene in Russia: the intense engagement of the Jews in the professional life from the late czarist period to the end of the USSR. An important contribution to the sociology of architecture in the 20th century.

Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a history, vol. 1

Socialist Realism 1891–1917

218 pages, paperback. 2020

ISBN 978 3 933713 61 2

EUR 24.80


Joachim Skerl: Stilarchitektur und Baukunst

Die Architektur des 19. Jahrhunderts in Deutschlands erstem Seebad.

In Deutschlands erstem Seebad treffen zwei gegenläufige Philosophien aufeinander: Die Architektur des Klassizismus die sich der Vernunft verschrieben, und die Neogotik, welche sich der Emotionen der weichenden Ständegesellschaft verschriebe hat. Der Band zeigt am Beispiel der Architekten Demmler, Severin und Möckel, wie sich Klassizismus und Neogotik aufeinander beziehen und gleichsam zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille sind.

Mit einem einleitenden Vorwort von Assoc. Prof. Martin Ebert, NMBU Ås.

218 Seiten, paperback. 2019

ISBN 978 3 933713 56 8

EUR 18.80


Sergey Kravtsov: In the Shadow of Empires

Synagogue Architecture in East Central Europe

Kravtsov guides the reader through four centuries of architectural history, spanning from Bohemia to Galicia and  Bukowina in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from Volhynia to the Baltic States in the Russian Empire.

"Kravtsov is this generations foremost historian of synagogue architecture and here he gives meaning towhee otherwise would be abstract and empty form" – Sam Gruber, President of International Survey of Jewish Monuments.

With an Introduction by Prof. Ilya Rodov, Bar Ilan University, Jerusalem.

294 pages, paperback. 2018

ISBN 978 3 933713 54 4

EUR 21.80


Christiane Zschauer: Binz - Sellin - Göhren.

Die Entstehung der bürgerlichen Ostseebäder auf der Insel Rügen.

Binz, Sellin und Göhren wurden im Zuge des sich ab 1870 rasant entwickelnden Fremdenverkehrs von kleinen Fischerdörfern zu prachtvollen Seebädern mit großstädtischem Flair. Die Industrialisierung in Deutschland ließ sie nach dem Vorbild von See- und Kurbädern des europäischen Auslandes erblühen. Ihre breiten Sandstrände machten Binz, Sellin und Göhren besonders attraktiv, und der Anschluss der Orte an das Eisenbahnnetz sorgte für immer mehr Besucher aus den Metropolen Mitteldeutschlands.

134 Seiten, paperback. 2. Auflage 2011

ISBN 978 3 933713 17 9

EUR 12.80

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