
Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a History.

Jewish Architects in Imperial Russia and the USSR.

In four dense volumes, Gary Berkovich lifts the veil on an overlooked aspect of the architectural scene in Russia: The intense engagement of the Jews in the professional life from the czarist period to the USSR. In an extraordinary gallery of portraits, he reveals their contribution to the emergence of radical theories and innovative designs, but also to regressive strategies of Stalinism. – Jean-Louis Cohen, NYU Institute of the Arts.

With a foreword by Samuel D. Gruber.

Vol.1: Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a history. Socialist Realism 1891–1917.

ISBN 978 3 933713 61 2

Vol. 2: Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a history. The Avant Garde 1917–1933.

ISBN 978 3 933713 63 6

Vol. 3: Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a history. Socialist Realism 1933–1955.

ISBN 978 3 933713 64 3

Vol. 4: Gary Berkovich: Reclaiming a history.Modernised Socialist Realism 1955–1991

ISBN 978 3 933713 65 0

EUR 24.80 p. volume


Sergey Kravtsov, Ilia Rodov & Malgorzata Stolarska-Fronia: From Ausgleich to Holocaust.

Ukrainian and Jewish Artists of Lemberg.

The articles in this book provide an eclectic and provocative look at cultural and artistic identity amid an "atmosphere of vivid national consciousness" in pre-WWII Lemberg, where Ukrainians and Jews formed minority communities in a city dominated by a Polish majority. The insights presented here are especially relevant today, when both the Polish and Jewish minorities have all but disappeared from the city itself. – Ruth Ellen Gruber, author of "Virtually Jewish. Reinventing Jewish culture in Europe".

184 pages, paperback. 2019

ISBN 978 3 933713 55 1

EUR 25.80


Sergey Kravtsov: In the Shadow of Empires

Synagogue Architecture in East Central Europe

Kravtsov guides the reader through four centuries of architectural history, spanning from Bohemia to Galicia and  Bukowina in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from Volhynia to the Baltic States in the Russian Empire.

"Kravtsov is this generations foremost historian of synagogue architecture and here he gives meaning towhee otherwise would be abstract and empty form" – Sam Gruber, President of International Survey of Jewish Monuments.

With an Introduction by Ilya Rodov.

294 pages, paperback. 2018

ISBN 978 3 933713 54 4

EUR 21.80

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